Tag Archives: Land

Ozerov Tells Attaches About Defense Ministry Auctions

According to RIA Novosti, the chairman of the Federation Council’s Defense and Security Committee, Viktor Ozerov told foreign military attaches today the unrealized proceeds from last year’s Defense Ministry property auctions had a negative impact on the conduct of military reforms.  The Audit Chamber reported that only 10 percent of what was expected came in from land and other property sales.  

Ozerov, a vacuous former political officer who usually shills for the Defense Ministry, said this affected the financing of military reforms in a negative way.  He blamed unfavorable economic conditions and a lack of investors or potential buyers, as well as insufficiently experienced managers in the Defense Ministry.  Ozerov called these freed up military towns, buildings, and other facilities the “Defense Minister’s reserve.”  

First, could it be that the Defense Ministry wanted too much for property that might not really be worth very much, or might cost too much to clean up for civilian use.  Or maybe auctions for truly valuable properties were rigged.  Second, we’ve been told that Seryukov’s Defense Ministry is all about experienced management.